Saturday, October 25, 2014


First of all Happy Diwali to all my dear friends. Let's hope like every year, this Diwali too brings tons of happiness and brightness in our lives.

Now, you must be wondering on what subject I am writing on. Entropy! what the hell. Well, if you happen to read physics or chemistry in your school days, you will know about it. It's nothing but the measure of state of disorder. One must be wondering why on earth I am writing about this topic. After all, today is Diwali, I should be either celebrating Diwali with my friends or family or writing about some other good things in the world.

Well, to be honest there is something about Diwali that triggered me to write this article. Every year, during Diwali time, whenever I login in fb, I find my wall flooded with Diwali wishes like  'Wish all my friends a Happy and Safe Diwali' or 'Let celebrate this Diwali noise free' or 'Diwali is a festival of light not noise' etc etc. In short,people want Diwali to be celebrated noise and pollution free. Still we find people firing more crackers than lighting diyas. Every year we find pollution level going high on Diwali. Though we keep on saying that Diwali is a festival of light, we keep on doing the same every year.

The irony is that, though we hate disorders in our lives, somehow we tend to go/move towards it. Its like though we know that smoking kills, people still enjoy smoking. We know that speed can kill us, still we fantasize driving fast. We human being somehow enjoy the state of disorderness or in technical term high level of entropy. For instance, you can't expect children to sit down in one place and play. They will obviously move around here and there and enjoy among themselves. Or most bachelors would love to keep their room unclean or play music in volumes louder than our ears can bear. In simple words, entropy is all within us. No matter how much we want to avoid it, we only move closer to it.

I won't say having high entropy/disorder is always a bad state to be in. Sometimes being in a state of disorder is good too. Putting our-self out of comfort zone can expose us to what we are actually missing in our life. Take the case of our career itself, we might be in a good job that pays us good salary but still deep inside we might not feel  good. We feel we are missing something. So some of us who's entropy level is high would leave their job and go out to fill their voidness and there by giving birth to companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google etc or atleast failing while giving a try. While some high entropy people would leave their comfort life and travel places in search of perhaps what they even don't know.

To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life.” Elizabeth Gilbert- Eat, Pray, Love

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